Sensuality & Laughter Coach

Yogini & Writer

I help women to lighten up, embrace their femininity and reconnect with their sensuality.

I love to dance and write, drink coffee, take ice cold showers, listen to the rain, walk barefoot through the forest, wear beautiful dresses, and speak the language of laughter and silence.

Yoga and Meditation since 1999. Diploma in Social Science & Systemic Coaching (University Potsdam). Journalistic Education. Embodied Facilitator Training UK. Prana Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Shiva Rea. Anusara Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance).

Further studies: Integral Deep Listening. RAIN by Tara Brach. 5Rhythms Dance. The science of laughter. Kalaripayyatu. Tandava & Kashmir Shaivism with Daniel Odier.

Co-founder of the Institute of Systemic Laughter in Berlin: I

Auf dem Kongress der GST 2022:

What means Joy for you?